Hey, it's 11-4-2002 |
Heh, it seems my parents found this comic of mine, which is alright, except they seem to have found the language a little "blue" for their liking, so perhaps there'll be a little less of that in the future. Heh. lessee, what else. Ah yes, if you scroll to the bottom of this page, you will notice there are only four news blurbs, and that you can travel back in time to see the previous news blurbs. This is brought to you by the magic of y first Perl script. I was going to make a bunch of other nifty Perl things, but keen-space maintains the shiny things for me. They show all sorts of graphs and stuff. Too bad no one visits the site, but I knew that from before. Oh yes. As you can see from the latest bout of drawings, I seem to be attempting shading, to add depth and texture, and whatnot. I may be overdoing it at the moment, but hell, who cares? In fact, we two are the only ones who read this page, and I know where you live. Mock my shading and burn for it fucker. Ah fuck, seem to be swearing again. That didn't last long. well, fuck off you grotty little wankers. I'll get you yet. |
Hey, it's 10-31-2002 |
So anyway, I've made this Perl script to parcel out these little news blurbs onto separate pages. I've never used Perl before, so that was kind of a pain in the ass. On the plus side, this should make things marginally easier for me. It seems that this Piro fellow, the guy who makes MegaTokyo, got laid off. I like his comic, so I hope he doesn't wind up dead in some back ally, killed for some loose change that he had to steal from the church offering plate. I don't really yet have a comic for tomorrow, and I'm hungry, so I'll leave off with this. |
Hey, it's 10-24-2002 |
Ah, fuck'n hell. I very nearly got this out on time, under budget, and looking really good. Then I got a Sharpe marker for filling in backgrounds. I got to work on one side. I was working in low light with my nose close to the paper. Soon I forgot all about what I was doing. I woke the next morning with black marks all around my face, and no comic. So this one looks like crap too. And !surprise! it's big. I got windows running again. I've been using Linux for the past couple of days, but I don't really feel like learning Gimp when I already know and have photoshop. So now I'm gonna watch some duck man. Ah Duckman, there are few shows more quotable. "Would a mad man plan to dynamited his island into the shape of his own glorious head? Would a madman announce his secret plan for a US funded total global domination? Would a mad man make a different dance for every country he conquers? Canada! (begins dancing)" -Duckman In other news, I'm involved with some class at my college which requires some interaction with high school students. We were supposed to pick a student working on a common task and send them a greeting email. I accidentally sent a marginally incoherent and no doubt terrifying email to some innocent teacher by mistake. Hopefully he took the whole thing with a grain of salt. In any case, I don't think I sent anything that would get me arrested, so I guess that's some consolation. Oh well. Can't think of anything else worthy of note. |
Hey, it's 10-21-2002 |
Submitted for the approval of the Midnight society: Another crappy ass piece of shit comic. Ha ha, remember that show, on Snick? That was cool. Along a similar vein, Penny arcade spent today talking about "The Ring". Since they're so popular, and since I've seen that movie too, I'm gonna talk about it. Alright, so I didn't exactly see that movie. I just saw the original. You see, I had an opportunity to get free tickets to a free showing of the new movie. I may blow it frequently and hard, but when stuff is free I'm usually there. However, this time, I completely forgot what I was doing until it was far too late. Fortunately, one of my friends was sufficiently board and downloaded the original version this weekend, and I watched that. Honestly, it didn't seem that creepy at the time. Aside from basically two scenes. But that night, I kept waking up for no reason I could discern. For some reason that movie stuck to my Psyche surprisingly tight. Unlike Blair Witch, and your mother, which suck. Oh, and if anyone can come up with a cool name for a religion, I'm considering becoming a mad prophet. The corner stones of my religion are slacking off and arming one's self for the end times, which are nearly upon us. These two concepts are remarkably synergistic in the right hands. |
Hey, it's 10-15-2002 |
Well, it's 6am. So that's great. I made a comic for Monday, but decided it was to poor to release. That's really saying something considering the abysmal quality of this whole project. But I do what I can. You may want to avoid this site Wednesday, those of you who haven't wised up and avoided it all together. I'm probably going to use the comic that wasn't good enough for Monday because this is Ryan Co., and our corporate motto is: "They're no corner we can't cut!" My birthday's Thursday. Hurray! I've already got some loot out of it, including my colored pencils. Fear their coming. |
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