Hey, it's 9-20-2002

Well, day three of my journal, not much else to say. Only six more days till I have a room to move into. I've got a couple more weeks of HoboRyan, then I'll have to decide whether or not to continue the journal thing, or just go to a comic. In any case, the new comic is still set to go up Monday around nine-ish.

I've been meaning to pick up some Perl, so I can get the site to update on it's own, but so far haven't made any progress on that. Oh well, another thing to get round to.

Well, I've got some stuff to read, people to call, pictures to draw, and a scripting language to learn.

Guess that's about it. Ryan out.

Hey, it's 9-18-2002

A surfeit of tables! Yay! Should get the sketches up today.

Good news everybody (probably just Bill.) I've come up with an idea for a real comic! I'll try to update it with the Monday/Wendsday/Friday schedule which is so popular with todays kids. It should start next Monday or so, cause I'm going to try and polish this one up a bit.

Great news everybody! I'm now accepting pay-pal! Hurra! Gimmi money or I'll bust my "l337 s|<1llz 0|\| j0 455".

Some of the sketches relate to this new comic, so get your hopes up high. They're just not as fun to dash otherwise.

Hey, it's 9-17-2002

Getting the web page into shape. Not there yet, but closer.
